How To Stick To A Diet

Hassaan Hamid
6 min readMar 29, 2021
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Having a diet is challenging but sticking to it is the real battle. Making a change in your lifestyle is not easy but it is totally worth it. A healthy diet or lifestyle brings many benefits to your body.

A healthy diet prevents the chance of having many diseases. It keeps you energetic throughout the whole day as well as keeps your weight low, giving you a smart and slim figure. In addition to that, a healthy diet increases your lifespan.

Sticking to a diet may not be easy but it is not impossible.

So, with that said, here are a few tips that will help you stay committed to your diet.

Figure Out Your Game Plan

Photo by Felipe Furtado on Unsplash

The first thing to do when starting a diet is to make your plan, how much weight you want to lose in how much time. You have to set realistic goals as losing 20 pounds a month is highly improbable. On the other hand, 5 pounds a month seems doable.

Following something off of the internet or any professional’s diet plan may work for you as well but everyone is different; something that works for others is not necessary to work out for you.

Figure out your game plan which will help you stay committed to your diet.

Do Not Pressurize Yourself

Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

Do not start your diet with the idea of achieving your goal in a short amount of time. Losing weight takes time. If you plan to lose weight quickly, it will be the added pressure that will succumb to you breaking your diet.

Start gradually and set small milestones. This will create ease for you as it will be manageable. As you achieve your small milestones, this will encourage you to keep on going with your diet. Setting big milestones is a bit overwhelming.

Adapting to a new lifestyle takes time. It will likely be hard for you at the start so do not get discouraged.

Keep Motivating Yourself

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

To be fully committed to your diet, you have to keep motivating yourself. Make your goals clear. Whenever you feel dispirited because you are not achieving your goals, keep motivating yourself. Do not give in to negative thoughts. You have to be mentally and physically strong.

Do not stress about your progress, it will happen according to the plan for which you have to believe in yourself.

Keep Unhealthy Food Away

Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Keeping unhealthy foods, which are not part of your diet plan, inside your home is not good for your diet. Their presence will tempt you to cheat with your diet. Keeping your home without these kinds of food will be for the betterment of your diet.

If your roommates or family members desire to keep these foods inside your house so keep them hidden or away from yourself.

Live In Moderation

A diet is basically about consuming the right foods in the right amounts. Eating healthy foods is necessary for a successful diet. However, you should fulfill your needs by having your favorite foods as well. The solution to that is to live in moderation.

Eat healthy foods as well as your favorite foods but in small amounts. By doing this, an equilibrium will be established and it will help you resist the temptation you get while seeing your favorite foods.

Plan a cheat day once every week or two weeks. This will help in establishing self-control within yourself. Reward yourself with your favorite meal when you reach a milestone. Knowing that you can have your favorite meal when you achieve a milestone will help you stick to your diet.

Having A Bad Meal Does Not Ruin Your Diet

Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Committing to a diet is a challenge and sometimes, a weak moment disrupts your diet.

Having a meal, which is not part of your diet plan, does not break your diet. Going off course is necessary, at times, as you realize afterwards that your diet is the most important thing to you.

One unplanned cheat meal will not destroy weeks of hard work and dedication. Everyone makes mistakes but learning from your mistakes is the main lesson.

Eat Wisely

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Eating wisely will help you stick to your diet. Your diet should consist of many fruits and vegetables.

Eating food slowly is very beneficial as you begin to appreciate the food as well as it nourishes your body more effectively. This also aids in digestion as the body needs to work less on well-chewed food.

Do not make yourself starve which will result in you eating anything, even unhealthy foods, and in a rapid fashion. Having small meals and snacks every couple of hours throughout the day prevents this habit. It will keep you satisfied and energetic.

Having A Partner

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Undertaking a task alone is a very scary experience. The same applies to a diet. Having a buddy to go through your diet will give you the chance to share and compare your experience. This buddy can be your spouse, friend, or family member.

What you are going through, they are also going through it so talking about it will help you stick to your diet. Having a buddy keeps you motivated as you do not want to stay behind them.

Eat Before Going Out

Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

A diet is mostly of homemade foods as they are packed with more flavor and nutrients than outside foods.

When going to a party or a restaurant, eat a healthy meal before you go. This will make you partially full and will prevent you from eating outside food in excess amounts. When eating outside, try to opt for a healthy meal.

Eating at home is more beneficial for you as it helps you keep your diet intact.

For your office or any errands, pack healthy snacks which will keep you full and energetic. These snacks also prevent you from buying unhealthy snacks, which are not part of your diet plan.


To be fully committed to a diet is challenging but it will help you achieve your goals.

Choose what works for you and what is suitable for your body. In this way, you will find it easy to stay on a diet. Everyone is different so make your diet fun and easy for yourself by planning it on your terms. This will create ease for you in the long run.

